Star Heat Shield

45% of heat comes through glass. Thus glass intensifies heat and causes Green House effect. Glass facades creates more heat transfer and makes the office and home more heated that need consistent use of AC and thus increases costs.

Heat has a tendency to travel from hot atmosphere to cool.
Glass has property to trap heat which eventually increases your room’s/ office’s temperature and increase AC bills. Star Heat Shield saves 20% of air conditioning cost.


Star Heat Shield

What Makes It Different
  • Reduces heat by 21.4 C
  • Reduces Air conditioning cost by up to 20%
  • Block IR rays & UV rays by up to 96% without blocking visibility of the sun.
Reduced Air Conditioning cost by up to 20%

Star Heat Shield blocks uo to 96% of infrared rays which results in heat reduction and keeps the interior cool. Thus less AC pressure leads to lesser AC expense.


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